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Personal and Ethical Foundations

  • Wellness and Healthy Living: I practice a vegan diet, and I strive to be in tune with my own health through research and nutrition.  I make a point to be knowledgeable about healthy practices so that I am able to spread this information to those around me in the support of their well-being as well.  I have prioritized self-care in my day-to-day life, and I promote these practices to the student I service in each appointment I make.

  • Ethical Codes and Professional Standards: I have discussed ethical practices and standards in many of my classes, but I also hold my own values and beliefs in high esteem because I believe that if you fail to follow ethical standards, you have lost credibility in enforcing and judging ethical codes. I consistently challenge unethical practices in the workplace through conversations and discussion about ethical statements.

  • Self-Assessment and Reflection: I know my own beliefs, values, and biases in depth, and I strive to ensure each action I take aligns with these beliefs about right and wrong.  I incorporate reflection into each major decision I make so that I can continue with positive action.

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