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Social Justice and Inclusion

  • Understanding of Self and Navigating Systems of Power: I have recently begun to fully understand the unequal system of power within our society in a much deeper way.  I have always been able to see the inequalities; however, I was blind to the systematic nature of this inequality until I participated in CNS 605: Social and Cultural Diversity.  I am making it my goal to ensure that the services and resources I allocate are done so equitably to ensure an inclusive environment for each student that walks into my office.

  • Critical Assessment and Self-Directed Learning: I have utilized critical reflection in order to identify my own prejudices and biases, and I am working to evaluate how I contribute to systems of oppression. 

  • Organizational Systemic Advocacy: Through my involvement in the Strategic Planning initiative, I am a part of a network of stakeholders that value diversity, equity, and inclusion.  We aim to incorporate these values in every area of our institution to facilitate change to the system of oppression currently in place.

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